Sunday, 16 October 2011

still life

oil on canvas

I usually don,t have titles for may paintings but sometimes I make an exception. This one is called "ready for pasta". I like my pasta very simple; tomato, onions and garlic with olive oil and thats it. Later on I add salt to taste, maybe basil and cheese on  top depending on my mood.

oil on board


charcoal and conte crayon

conte crayon on paper

conte crayon on paper

conte crayon on paper


Saturday, 15 October 2011

quick 100 paintings


this one is from very old national geographic magazine

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In feb. of this year i challenged myself  that i will complete 100 small paintings and i did. These are all done in oil on masonite board and each took me about an hour to hour and a half to complete (thats all i can spare in a day). i will try to post all the paintings but as i was takings photos i realized there were some paintings missing. If i find these missing ones i will surely post them.